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Why Australia’s 26-Year Economic Dream Run Is Ending
Harry Dent details the catalyst that could see our
‘Lucky Country’ economy turn to dust…
…potentially sooner than you think.
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Dear Reader,
It’s now been 26 years since Australia last suffered through a technical recession.
Now, it looks like our time is up.
What goes up must come down, and for all of the success Australia has had in recent times, the country will all but certainly face an economic crash eventually.
High debts, the housing bubble, and years of flat wage growth threaten the Australian economy.
But the greatest threat to our economy might not be any of these things. In fact, it might be completely out of our control.
Australia’s dark fate could actually come at the hands of two neighbouring nations.
And when that happens, the Aussie dollar could be hit HARD.
Our 26-year dream run without a recession is threatening to come to an end very soon. It’s time to prepare.
In a brand new Markets & Money report, editor Harry Dent shows you why Australia’s mammoth economic growth run is coming to an end…potentially very soon.
If you manage your own money or you want to keep up to date with the urgent economic problems and how you can best prepare for them, download Harry’s FREE report: ‘Why Australia’s Economic Dream Run Is Coming to an End’.
Inside, you’ll discover:
- How we lasted 26 years, virtually untouched: We might be the lucky country, but it was more than luck that got us through the last two and a half decades. In fact, our ability to stay on track in that time had a lot less to do with us than it seems…
- The two biggest threats to our economy today: It’s not our lagging wage growth. It’s not even the rising household debt. But there’s a good chance, thanks to these two factors, we could see both of those things get worse.
- When it happens…it could happen FAST. Here’s why: Read Harry’s FREE report ‘Why Australia’s Economic Dream Run Is Coming to an End’ now to find out exactly why this could all happen too quickly. You will also get a FREE subscription to Markets & Money.
You’ll learn all this and more in Harry Dent’s brand new report: ‘Why Australia’s Economic Dream Run Is Coming to an End’.
To get your free copy — right now — enter your email address in the box below and click ‘Send My FREE Report’. You’ll get a downloadable PDF file delivered to your inbox within the next five minutes.
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